
The American History Guild’s purpose is simple – to tell America’s Magnificent story.

The Almanack, our online journal, was launched to aid in that purpose and like history itself, is wonderfully timeless. Peering into the past reveals to us that though time and technology change, human nature never does. A heartbreak feels the same whether on the rugged frontiers of yesteryear or in a posh Manhattan skyscraper today. A triumph of the spirit is equally so. As is disappointment and joy.

Our human emotions transcend time and thus, although the stories we tell are gleaned from the past, they remain relevant in the present and future. The stories are best enjoyed in any order you wish – just choose one and embark on the journey!

History is the Lifeblood of Our Nation

The American History Guild was founded to rekindle and stoke the sacred fire of liberty so that it may burn brightly in the hearts of those now living and yet unborn. Our vision is to draw upon our Republic’s illustrious past to enlighten and enliven the people of this great nation in order that they, in turn, will do the same. The projects we have embarked upon are myriad and varied but have one desired end: to re-acquaint our citizens with the miracle that was our country’s founding, and in the process, restore the seeds of liberty and civic virtue in the grand hope that America will long endure.


John Adams


John Adams is the founder of The American History Guild and the publisher of The Almanack.

Ellen Adams

Tracy Ward

Architectural Historian

D. Tracy Ward is a reg- istered architect. He is acting Chairman of the Mississippi Committee of the Southeast Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art and the Architectural Histo- rian & Preservationist
for the American History Guild. His rst volume on Mississippi courthouses for the photographic book series Historic Courthouse Architecture received a 2014 Heritage Award for Preservation Education from the Mississippi Heri- tage Trust.

Bill Potter


Bill Potter is a historian, lecturer, and author. He has lectured at The Col- lege of William and Mary, Mississippi State Univer- sity, Liberty University Law School, Dalton State University, and Bryan Col- lege. His topics of interest lie in American and British history with specialization in most aspects of military, political, and ecclesiastical history and biography.

Katie Dillard

Contributing Editor

An avid student and scholar, Katie is nishing her Bachelor’s degree
in Secondary Education through Louisiana Baptist University. Teaching a high school U.S. History class
at a local private school, she endeavors to impart knowledge and the love of learning to students in her immediate spheres of in u- ence. On the side she nds time to volunteer at her local museum as a docent historian.

Olivia Hightower

Contributing Editor

Olivia Hightower is the Director of Media for the American History Guild. Prior to working for AHG, she earned a B.A in En- glish from Kennesaw State University and worked as
a law clerk and preschool teacher. She enjoys writing, traveling, blogging, and rock climbing. She current- ly lives in Atlanta, Georgia.